MTG to 5e Creatures
This app takes a random MTG creature card, and generates a stat block. These stat blocks are just a starting point, the algorithm can’t easily take into account custom text on the cards. These stat blocks should be used as a baseline and then customized as needed. Try adding abilities based on special mechanics a card may have.
If the card doesn’t load, try clicking the ‘Get Card’ button again. Certain cards (like double sided cards) throw errors and don’t display properly.

Creature – ???
Armor Class
Hit Points
Save DC

- Calculate a ranking based on the Power / Toughness / Type / Legendary Status
- Normalize that ranking to a CR rating between 1/8th and 30
- Assuming the largest MTG Creature is CR 30
- Set baseline stats based on the CR rating
- Modify the stats based on Mana Colors / Creature Type / Power / Toughness
Planned Features / Bug Fixes
- Finish all Race bonuses
- Add Attack dice calculation (instead of flat damage amount)
- Add abilities based on keyword types (flying, evolve, deathtouch, etc)
- Make Werewolf cards work (double sided cards don’t load properly)
- Add senses based on creature type
- Add spell selections for magic users based on mana color and creature type
- Revamp format to look like the DND Monster Statblocks
- Add Hybrid Races Filters (Loxodon, Leonin, Rhox, etc)
- Add multi-color search options (Dual 2, Arcs 3, Wedges 3, Identities 4)
Inspiration / Sources
- Building Better Dungeons: How to convert your Magic The Gathering cards to DnD Monsters
- CR Calculator
- All the awesome art on MTG cards
- Scryfall and their API